Sleep issues are a common source of vacation trouble

I’m very sensitive to being under slept, and vacation is full of threats to a good night’s sleep:

  • uncomfortable, too-small, or unfamiliar bed
    • -> double down on making sure the destination has a queen+ size bed, or at least two twin beds
    • -> remember that cheap Airbnbs often buy very cheap bedding, so it may be worth paying a lot more for better bedding
  • traveling without CPAP
    • -> prioritize this! pay the baggage fees if necessary
    • -> maybe buy a travel CPAP?
  • staying up too late doing activities
  • drinking too late
    • -> don’t!

I’ve noticed that I’ll often find myself sleepy and unable to focus for much of the time I’m on vacation, which sort of defeats the purpose.

Last updated 2023-07-13.