How might spaced repetition memory systems intervene when the student struggles with material?

The typical Spaced repetition memory system does two things: it shortens the interval until the next presentation, and (usually) it asks the student to retry the prompt in the same session (SRS retry mechanism).

Sana Labs reintroduces the article which originally presented the prompt’s material, either through suggestion (“maybe you’d like to reread this?”) or by simply presenting the article as a task in the review session (“you’re struggling with material from this article.”)

Because the Mnemonic medium ties the prompts tightly with a source text, it may have some extra opportunities here: it can potentially excerpt or return readers to a specific portion of a source article.

Other possibilities:

  • inject variations of the material to reinforce it more strongly
  • present material authored on a per-prompt basis intended for intervention
  • facilitate asking others for help
  • provide cues (potentially adaptively) to moderate difficulty
    • to read: Fiechter, J. L., & Benjamin, A. S. (2019). Techniques for scaffolding retrieval practice: The costs and benefits of adaptive versus diminishing cues. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(5), 1666–1674.

But, critically: Choice of intervention in a spaced repetition memory system must depend on reason for failure.



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Last updated 2023-07-13.