Unusual new online university from Stephen Kosslyn, Ari Bader-Natal, and collaborators.
Kerrey, B., Fost, J., Brown, J., Gardner, K., Levitin, D. J., Levitt, J., Levitt, R., Holman, R., Bonabeau, E., Chandler, V., Gahl, M., Genone, J., Buskirk, I. V., Goldberg, R., Cannon, T., Bader-Natal, A., Katzman, J., Regan, M., Seligman, A., … Kauth, A. (2017). Building the Intentional University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education (S. M. Kosslyn & B. Nelson (eds.); 1 edition). The MIT Press.