Anthropic AI

AI research lab founded by many departing employees of OpenAI, including Chris Olah and Catherine Olsson.

Anthropic - Core Views on AI Safety: When, Why, What, and How

Why was Anthropic founded?

  • 2021-05-28: Rebel AI group raises record cash after machine learning schism | Financial Times
    • “The schism followed differences over the group’s direction after it took a landmark $1bn investment from Microsoft in 2019, according to two people familiar with the split.”
  • 2021-05-28:
    • “Anthropic’s goal is to make the fundamental research advances that will let us build more capable, general, and reliable AI systems, then deploy these systems in a way that benefits people.”
  • 2022-03-04:
    • Daniela Amodei: “we really just wanted the opportunity to kind of get that group together to do this focused kind of research bet of building you know steerable interpretable and reliable ai systems uh with humans at the center of them
    • Dario Amodei: “we were all working at open ai and sort of you know trying to make this focused bet on you know basically scaling plus safety or you know or safety safety with a with a lens towards scaling being a big part of the path to agi um and yeah i mean we felt we were making this focused bet kind of within a within a larger organization and it just eventually came to the conclusion that it would be great to have an organization that like top to bottom was just was just focused on this bet and could make make kind of all strategic decisions with this with this with this bet in mind”

In what ways has Anthropic caused net acceleration?

To what extent is Anthropic helping us avoid catastrophe?


My understanding of Anthropic strategy - LessWrong

Last updated 2023-07-13.