Prefer “memory system” to “spaced repetition system”

Michael Nielsen points out (e.g. in How to make memory systems widespread? - Michael Nielsen) that Spaced repetition memory system inappropriately emphasizes one specific mechanism. The exciting prospect is for memory systems (and, indeed, practice systems—Perhaps “practice systems”, not “memory systems”) in general. Spaced repetition is one idea (well—really—several) of many which will be important in creating powerful such systems. For example, different methods of encoding of ideas into Retrieval practice prompts likely have more impact than details of spacing. The feeling of the Mnemonic medium is substantially defined by initial review—Mnemonic medium prompts are interleaved into the reading experience (i.e. no spacing, no repetition!).

Q. Why prefer “memory system” to “spaced repetition memory system”?
A. …

Last updated 2023-07-13.