Agarwal, P. K., Finley, J. R., Rose, N. S., & Roediger, H. L. (2017). Benefits from retrieval practice are greater for students with lower working memory capacity. Memory, 25(6), 764–771

166 college students engage in a relatively standard three-phase Retrieval practice study design, varying the second phase (re-study vs. test), retention interval (10 minutes, 2 days), and feedback (present, absent). Before phase two, students completed a working memory span test. Material studied was general knowledge trivia.

The main finding was that retrieval practice produced a slightly larger effect for students with lower working memory span scores, who received feedback, two days later.

Q. For what condition did the authors find a slightly larger retrieval practice effect?
A. Students with lower working memory span, who received feedback, two days later.

Last updated 2023-07-13.