Borowski, M., Murray, L., Bagge, R., Kristensen, J. B., Satyanarayan, A., & Klokmose, C. N. (2022). Varv: Reprogrammable Interactive Software as a Declarative Data Structure. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–20

Varv is a system for building software through malleable declarative data structures. These structures specify schemas for domain data types and describe how they change according to events. Views separately describe how this data is rendered and may provide triggers for those events. In the tradition of Malleable software, these data structures are meant to be easy to personalize and modify incrementally over time. The system is implemented on top of Webstrates, but they demonstrate proofs-of-concept of different implementation environments (Electron, Observable).

The declarative structure enables domain-specific languages and custom editors:

Last updated 2022-07-09.