Aithal, S. G., Rao, A. B., & Singh, S. (2021). Automatic question-answer pairs generation and question similarity mechanism in question answering system. Applied Intelligence.

This paper generates question/answer pairs from a passage by first {generating questions using ProphetNet fine-tuned on SQuAD}, then {filtering those questions by computing similarity to known-good questions from SQuAD, a question-answering dataset}, then using {BERT to generate answers}.

Using machine learning to generate good spaced repetition prompts from explanatory text

The results are sometimes pretty decent, though of course they still need a great deal of human filtering.


Table 7This table illustrates the generated question-answer pairs from the given passage
Passage 2:The availability of the Bible in vernacular languages was important to the spread of the Protestant movement and the development of the Reformed church in France. The country had a long history of struggles with the papacy by the time the Protestant Reformation finally arrived. Around 1294, a French version of the Scriptures was prepared by the Roman Catholic priest, Guyard de Moulin. A two-volume illustrated folio paraphrase version based on his manuscript, by Jean de Rely, was printed in Paris in 1487.
G1. what was important to the protestant movement in france ?
G2. why did france struggle with the papacy before the protestant reformation ?
G3. what did france have a long history of with the papacy ?
G4. france had a long history of struggles with what group by the time what finally arrived ?
G5. when did the protestant reformation arrive in france ?
G6. what did guyard de moulin prepare around 1294 ?
G7. what did guyard de moulin do with the french version of the Bible? G8. what religion was guyard de moulin ?
G9. who prepared a french version of the scriptures around 1294 ? G10. what was printed in Paris in 1487 ?
G11. on what manuscript was jean de rely ’s version of the Bible-based ?
G12. what was jean de rely ’s version based on ?
G13. who created the illustrated folio paraphrase version of the bible in 1487 ? G14. how was jean de rely ’s version of the bible published ?
G15. where was jean de rely ’s version of the Bible printed ?
A1. the availability of the Bible in vernacular languages A2. the country had a long history
A3 . struggles
A4 . the papacy
A5 . around 1294
A6. a french version of the scriptures A7 . prepared
A8 . roman catholic
A9 . guyard de moulin
A10 . a two-volume illustrated folio paraphrase version based on his manuscript
A11 . guyard de moulin
A12 . manuscript
A13 . jean de rely
A14 . two-volume illustrated folio paraphrase A15 . paris

Last updated 2023-07-13.