We’re creating and concentrating immense amounts of power. How can we avoid catastrophe?
So what? Slow down AI? Accelerate AI alignment work? Unclear.
Weidinger, L., Mellor, J., Rauh, M., Griffin, C., Uesato, J., Huang, P.-S., Cheng, M., Glaese, M., Balle, B., Kasirzadeh, A., Kenton, Z., Brown, S., Hawkins, W., Stepleton, T., Biles, C., Birhane, A., Haas, J., Rimell, L., Hendricks, L. A., … Gabriel, I. (2021). Ethical and social risks of harm from Language Models (arXiv:2112.04359). arXiv
Threat Model Literature Review - LessWrong