Proactivity and personal responsibility


Extracts from Nielsen, M. A. (2004). Principles of effective research (Technical Note No. 0404). The University of Queensland.:

Q. How do ineffective people relate to problems, instead of taking action?
A. They blame external circumstances “beyond their control.”

Q. When ineffective people blame circumstance for their situation, what keeps them from making progress?
A. They deny that they can take action to improve their situation.

MN’s three basic ways people abdicate responsibility: {blaming others}, {getting caught up in Displacement activity}, {getting down on oneself}.

Q. Most common reason people abdicate responsibility for their problems?
A. It’s usually easier in the short term than proactivity and responsibility.

Q. Proactivity and responsibility in research means constantly reminding yourself that…
A. You are the person ultimately responsible for your research effectiveness.

Q. How does a proactive person relate to their goals?
A. They form a vision and work towards it.

Q. How does a proactive person relate to problems?
A. They identify problems and work towards solutions.

Ebbinghaus, H. (1913). Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology (H. A. Ruger & C. E. Bussenius, Trans.). (Original work published 1885)

we should prefer to see resignation arise from the failure of earnest investigations rather than from persistent, helpless astonishment in the face of their difficulties.

Last updated 2023-07-13.