Rather than focusing on the Primer, I’m finding a more powerful framing to be in centering the essay around scaling high-growth environments.
You can read a book about starting a startup, or you can join Y Combinator. Which do you choose? This is the power of an Enabling environment.
The latter’s a much more effective growth environment, and it’s mostly not the funding.
When you read the book, you’re a founder wanna-be reading about the activities of founders, and you’re not “practicing founding”; when you do YC, you’re doing founding, in a community of founders. The book’s abstract, but YC’s not: every lesson is in the context of the idea you care deeply about:
Of course, YC’s lessons aren’t “lessons” in a traditional sense—they’re experienced as the natural consequence of your actions in that environment: YC is an Enacted experience.
it’s hard to imagine modifying educational games to become anything good, but the Primer is closer enough to the mark to be worth criticizing, and, possibly, to learn from
So how do we make this new media form? ==TODO this section quite under-defined in general; some important ideas aren’t yet captured here, but we also have big holes in our theories here==